All deliveries, achievements and offers of the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH occur after the best endeavours and in the steady customer interest. For all contracts these terms of business and the price-list valid in each case are authoritative. Counterconfirmations of the customer with reference to his shopping terms are only effective if they were confirmed by the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH in writing. Verbal assents likewise need the written confirmation.

The offers of the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH are always not-binding, up to our written confirmation of order.

In catalogs, prospectuses and such contained information are only decisive if in the confirmation of order is expressly referred to them.

2. Conclusion
The contract counts as closed if the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH has sent a written confirmation of order or a delivery to the customer on receipt of the order of the customer.

Additional changes and supplements of the contract need to her validity of the written confirmation.

The prices count ex works for the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH excluding packaging, transport, transport assurance, value added tax and other legal deliveries in the supplier country.

The Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH is held to pursue a customer-appropriate prize creation. The costs form the basis of the prices at the time of the prize delivery. By essential changes an adaptation is possible.


In the confirmation of order called dates of delivery and terms of delivery are kept by us after the best endeavours; nevertheless, they return only the prospective and none firmly or according to calendar agreed delivery time.

The term of delivery begins with one of the following time:

a) date of the written confirmation of order or

b) the date in which the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH one receives deposit to be performed before delivery of the product and/or a letter of credit to be put is opened.

The term of delivery begins only if all present due payment obligations of the customer are fulfilled compared with the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH.

The Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH is entitled to carry out predeliveries and to calculate. Part deliveries need the approval of the customer. The observance of the agreed term of delivery assumes an expiry free of disturbance of the production process and, hence, counts provisory more unpredictable or from the party will of independent circumstances, as for example all cases of higher power, warlike events, official interventions and bans, transport delay, payment of duty delay and supplier delay, damages in transit, energy lack, distant of a bigger or important working piece as well as from working conflicts of every kind.

These precalled circumstances entitle the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH to push out the delivery or achievement at the duration of their presentation plus an adequate approach time or to withdraw because of the not yet full part all or part from the contract. These circumstances entitle also to the lengthening of the term of delivery if they enter with Zulieferanten.

The customer is entitled in the presence of these circumstances on his side, to refuse to accept, as long as they exist. In the presence of the circumstances of over three months, the customer must either withdraw from the contract or accept the matter.
If the Position Control Messtechnik GmbH longer than 6 weeks in arrears, the customer is entitled, after a reasonable grace period set in writing and to rescind the contract, excluding further claims.
The customer is entitled in the presence of these circumstances on his side, to refuse to accept, as long as they exist. In the presence of the circumstances of over three months, the customer must either withdraw from the contract or accept the matter.
If the Position Control Messtechnik GmbH longer than 6 weeks in arrears, the customer is entitled, after a reasonable grace period set in writing and to rescind the contract, excluding further claims.


Use and risk shall pass at the latest by handing over to the transportation company carrying factory to the buyer regardless of the pricing agreed for the delivery (such. B. Franco, cif, incoterm u. Ä.). This applies even if the delivery in connection with assembly work or if the transport by the Position Control Messtechnik GmbH carried out or organized. Insurance of the goods against transport damage only at the express request of the customer.


The calculation position occurs by dispatch of the product. For the payment special conditions are to be agreed or the payments are to be performed by bank credit transfer without every deduction freely cashier’s office of the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH in the agreed currency.

The maturity of the calculations is directed after the regulations agreed in the confirmation of order, otherwise 15 days count net. The buyer is only entitled to hold back payments because of guarantee claims or other counterclaims or to charge if it concerns indisputable or legally ascertained demands.

As the date of receipt of all payments counts the day in which the amount is available for the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH. Changes are taken only according to the preceding, special arrangement and then only fulfilment-half. If the buyer is with an agreed payment or other achievement in the delay, the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH

a) the fulfilment of her own obligations can push open up to Bewirkung of the out-of-date payments or other achievements.

b) an adequate lengthening of the term of delivery take up.

c) the whole still open purchase price rest due put and

d) from maturity calculate interests on arrears by the height of 10% p. a. plus value added tax or

e) by disregard of an adequate extension from the contract withdraw.

Until the complete fulfillment of all financial obligations of the buyer, the Position Control Messtechnik GmbH reserves the ownership right to the object of purchase. This retention of title also extends to the further processing of the purchased item. The retention of title is valid until full satisfaction of the claims of all mutual legal transactions.
In insolvency proceedings, seizure or claims against the purchaser is obliged to point out the property of the Seller and to inform the latter without delay.



The Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH is obliged with fulfilment of the agreed payment terms to repair every lack interfering with the effectiveness in accordance with the following regulations which is based on a mistake of the construction, the material or the execution. The guarantee term amounts a year, untill special guarantee terms count to single objects of delivery.

The run of the guarantee term begins with the time of the danger crossing. The guarantee claim originates only if the buyer has indicated the appeared defects immediately in writing, at the latest within 14 days after entrance of the product.

The Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH informed in this manner must substitute by presentation of a guarantee-liable for payment lack after her choice for the defective product or for the defective parts or amend there and then or they can be sent for the purpose of finishing touches. Defects of a part of the delivery do not entitle to the objection of the whole delivery. For guarantee work in the company of the buyer the necessary equipment is to be provided.

The Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH sticks for those parts of the product which has covered the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH of untersuppliers only within the scope of to herself being entitled the against the untersuppliers guarantee claims. If a product is made by the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH on the basis of construction data, drawings, models or other specifications of the buyer, the liability of the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH applies only to bedingungsgemäße execution.

With sales of used goods as well as by takeover of repair orders or with Umänderungen or rebuildings the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH takes over no guarantee.

From the guarantee are excluded such defects which originate from arrangement not caused by the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH and assembly, insufficient equipment, Überbeanspruchung of the parts about the achievement given by the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH, negligent or wrong treatment and use of inexpedient company materials.

This counts also with defects which are to be led back on material provided by the buyer. The Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH also does not stick for damages which are to be led back on actions of third, on atmospheric unloadings, bolt of lightning, overvoltage and chemical influence. This counts in particular also to rented measuring systems, to expert tension care (flash, Overvoltage secure, Finely, coarse protection etc.) excluding the AG is responsible. A guarantee case is not if the product had the agreed state with danger crossing. A guarantee case does not lie in particular, however, exclusively in the following cases not by:

a) with damages which have originated with the customer from abuse or improper use (e.g., Verpolung of the connections, Überspannung, bolt of lightning, water damages),

b) with damages which have originated from the fact that the respective products with the customer against your specification were put out to injurious external influence.

c) in particular to extreme temperatures, humidity, more extremely of physical or electric demand, tension variations, Overvoltage, bolt of lightning, static electricity, fires) .

d) The guarantee goes out if without written approval of the Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH the buyer himself carries out changes or repairs or a third in the delivered objects.


Liegt ein Lieferverzug vor, der auf grobes Verschulden der Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH zurückzuführen ist, dann ist der Käufer berechtigt, nach erfolglosem Ablauf einer angemessenen Nachfrist vom Vertrag zurückzutreten.

Der Rücktritt kann auch hinsichtlich eines noch offenen Teiles der Lieferung oder Leistung aus obigen Gründen erklärt werden.

Falls über das Vermögen eines Vertragspartners das Konkursverfahren eröffnet wird, ist die Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH berechtigt, ohne Setzung einer Nachfrist vom Vertrag zurückzutreten.

Unbeschadet der Schadenersetzansprüche der Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH sind im Falle des Rücktritts bereits erbrachte Leistungen oder Teilleistungen vertragsgemäß abzurechnen und zu bezahlen. Dies gilt auch, soweit die Lieferung oder Leistung vom Käufer noch nicht übernommen wurde sowie für vom Verkäufer erbrachte Vorbereitungshandlungen. Der Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH steht an Stelle dessen auch das Recht zu, die Rückstellung bereits gelieferter Gegenstände zu verlangen.

Sonstige Folgen des Rücktritts sind ausgeschlossen.

Soweit in diesen Lieferbedingungen keine andere Regelung vorgesehen ist, bleibt die Haftung der Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH auf Schäden, die am Gegenstand der Leistung selbst entstehen, beschränkt. Darüber hinausgehende Ansprüche des Kunden, gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, insbesondere Schadensersatz irgendwelcher Art, auch aus Folgeschäden und entgangenem Gewinn, sind ausgeschlossen.

Bei der Lieferung von Software wird dem Kunden ein nicht ausschließliches und nicht übertragbares Recht zur Benutzung der Software und der zugehörigen Dokumentation für den Betrieb der Ware eingeräumt, für den die Software geliefert wird. Abgesehen von einer Sicherungskopie darf der Kunde keine Vervielfältigungen anfertigen.

Bei Weiterlieferung von Ware ins Ausland durch einen inländischen Käufer hat der Kunde in eigener Verantwortung zu prüfen, ob die zu exportierende Ware Ausfuhrbeschränkungen (insbesondere Beschränkungen des Außenwirtschaftsgesetzes der BRD, der Dual-UseVO der EU oder des US-Außenwirtschaftrechtes) unterliegt.

Alle mit der Position-Control Messtechnik GmbH geschlossenen Verträge unterliegen ausschließlich dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Für sämtliche Ansprüche aus der Geschäftsbeziehung mit Kaufleuten einschließlich Wechsel- und Scheckforderungen ist Gerichtsstand Saarbrücken. Die Geltung des einheitlichen UN-Kaufrechts (CISG) ist ausgeschlossen.

Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieser Vertragsbedingungen unwirksam sein oder werden, so wird dadurch die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht berührt, wenn sich im Gesamtgefüge des Vertrages eine verbleibende sinnvolle Regelung ergibt.

Information: Ausschließlich für die interne Geschäftsabwicklung speichern wir in unserer EDV-Anlage folgende Daten über Sie, die wir Ihnen auf Wunsch gerne mitteilen: Name und Adresse, Zahlungskonditionen für unsere Fakturierung, E-Bilanz Saldo, Soll, Haben sowie die laufenden offenen Posten für unsere Buchhaltung, Umsatz und Umsatzkennzeichen Vorjahr/laufendes Jahr.
