Software Modules (IDS Series) – Position-Control Suite
Das Ergebnis langjähriger Erfahrung und Entwicklungsarbeit ist die Position-Control Suite. Position-Control Suite ist ein modulares Software-Tool zur Aufnahme, Verarbeitung, Visualisierung und Übertragung von Messdaten und besteht aus den Paketen Configurator, DataLogger, DataAnalyzer und DataService. Durch den stetigen Praxis-Einsatz ist die Software verbessert und im Leistungsspektrum erweitert worden.
Compare Table [Software] | Typ IDS 16- Basic | Typ IDS 16- Expert | Typ IDS 16- Ultimate |
Module Data Logging | |||
Application for the Hardware Communication to the A/D Modules [POCO ADC4 modules] Linearisation for the Sensorinput signal [4-20 mA, 0-5V, 0-10V etc.] (up to X³) Generate virtuell Measurementpoints from the original Sensorinputs Save the Measurement Data in 3 configurable Data Stores [1,2 and 3] Data-Store 1: Samplingrate > 15 sec, Record Data up to 6 hours (Ring Store) Data-Store 2: Samplingrate > 5 min (Average), Record Data up to 7 Days (Ring Store) Data-Store 3: Samplingrate > 30 min (Average), Record Data all Time (Permanent Store) | X | X | X |
Module Communication Interfaces | |||
Application for the Hardware Communication to the A/D Modules [ADAM,ICP modules] Linearisation for the Sensorinput signal [4-20 mA, 0-5V, 0-10V etc.] (up to X³) Generate virtuell Measurementpoints from the original Sensorinputs Save the Measurement Data in free configurable Data Stores [1,2, 3] | Option | Option | x |
Module Chart View | |||
With this Module you can configurate Line Charts, to view the Data from all Data archives: Data-Store 1: Samplingrate > 15 sec, Record Data up to 6 hours (Ring Store) Data-Store 2: Samplingrate > 5 min (Average), Record Data up to 7 Days (Ring Store) Data-Store 3: Samplingrate > 30 min (Average), Record Data all Time (Permanent Store) in seperate Line Chart-Views. | Option | X | X |
Module Plane View | |||
With this Module you can configurate a Planview, to view the Realtime Data: Data-Store 1: Samplingrate > 15 sec, Record Data up to 6 hours (Ring Store) In a Plan with integrateed Measurement Points | x | x | x |
Module Data Download | |||
With this Module you can online view all Data from all Data archives: Data-Store 1: Samplingrate > 15 sec, Record Data up to 6 hours (Ring Store) Data-Store 2: Samplingrate > 5 min (Average), Record Data up to 7 Days (Ring Store) Data-Store 3: Samplingrate > 30 min (Average), Record Data all Time (Permanent Store) in a Table-View. You can download all the Data with a Drag/Drop selection as *.CSV from the Monitoringdevice direct in your Excel Software at your Office-PC. | Option | Option | |
Module Data Backup/Mirror | |||
This Module is a Database Backup Tool for the Field Logger. The Logger is able to send his new Data direct to a second mirror SQL-Database on outside Webserver. You have the complete Database on two Databases Logger and Web. If you have many User in your Monitoring, you can make your Visualisation over the Database Mirror. This Service can also copy your Usermanagment direct on a Webserver, so can link your clients direct to the Webvisualisation. | Option | Option | X |
Module Multi-User Management | |||
Authentication (AuthN) relates to the process of establishing the identity of a user. In the IDS 16-8, this requires the user to log in and identify themselves, typically with a password. Authorization (AuthZ) relates to the privileges that a user may be given in order to do something to (for example read, write or delete) a resource. In the IDS 16, users are referred to by the term ‘USER’. The creation of users in covered in the module ‘users and groups’. Users can have their details edited, and can be deleted. These are both done vie the ‘User’ menu option in the ‘Admin’ menu. First, select a user to manage, and then either edit their details, or delete them from the system. | Option | Option | X |
FTP-Push Module | |||
What is FTP Push? Push FTP allows you to transfer files and / or folders to another WEB server. The currently available data stores can be exported and stored in a timed manner on a foreign server. Data stores 1,2 and 3 can be exported to the remote server in freely definable time cycles. This makes it possible to store large amounts of data on remote servers. The data logger itself must always be operated with the same data performance. | Option | Option | Option |
M2M Communication Interfaces |
Compare Table [Software] | Typ IDS 16- Basic | Typ IDS 16- Expert | Typ IDS 16- Ultimate |
Module Data Logging | |||
Application for the Hardware Communication to the A/D Modules [POCO ADC4 modules] Linearisation for the Sensorinput signal [4-20 mA, 0-5V, 0-10V etc.] (up to X³) Generate virtuell Measurementpoints from the original Sensorinputs Save the Measurement Data in 3 configurable Data Stores [1,2 and 3] Data-Store 1: Samplingrate > 15 sec, Record Data up to 6 hours (Ring Store) Data-Store 2: Samplingrate > 5 min (Average), Record Data up to 7 Days (Ring Store) Data-Store 3: Samplingrate > 30 min (Average), Record Data all Time (Permanent Store) | X | X | X |
Module Communication Interfaces | |||
Application for the Hardware Communication to the A/D Modules [ADAM,ICP modules] Linearisation for the Sensorinput signal [4-20 mA, 0-5V, 0-10V etc.] (up to X³) Generate virtuell Measurementpoints from the original Sensorinputs Save the Measurement Data in free configurable Data Stores [1,2, 3] | Option | Option | x |
Module Chart View | |||
With this Module you can configurate Line Charts, to view the Data from all Data archives: Data-Store 1: Sampli |